Tips & Tricks

Tips for Branding and Selling your Private Label Products

Today’s savvy consumers can tell the difference between products that are mass-produced, and high-quality private label products. Private label products should be customized and tailored to meet market demands and should use the latest innovations in the industry.

You know your customers and you know what they want, but you also need to be able to brand and sell your products to meet their needs. This can be accomplished through tailored graphic design and printing, smart packaging, or focusing on different distribution channels for different audiences.  

Here are our tips for branding and selling your private label products. 

1. Create a formula according to consumer trends

If you want to create a customized product that meets the needs of your customers, you need to know what ingredients they are interested in. Currently, consumers are buying more products with natural and organic ingredients. Creating a formula that uses these ingredients will help you establish a brand that consumers care about. It’s important to keep on top of these trends so that you can optimize your formula with the latest innovative ingredients

By delivering a product containing ingredients that appeal to your customers, you are showing them that you are listening to their needs and care about what they are looking for. This will build brand loyalty, and keep your customers coming back.

2. Design products that appeal to your customers

Packaging design is a crucial element in branding your private label products. Instead of creating generic packaging, consider who your customers are and what they want. You need to create products that not only reflect ever-evolving consumer tastes but also ones that are memorable enough to make them stand out. Whether you’re selling in-store or online through marketplaces such as Amazon, you want your products to stand out. 

Getting a realistic idea of what your product will look like before you start selling it is crucial to success. That’s why you should seek a private label manufacturer that not only has extensive knowledge of your target market, but also one that provides packaging samples as part of their standard process.

3. Optimize your online presence

Even if you design the most beautiful packaging, and your product has the perfect formula to meet consumers’ needs, you still need to make sure consumers know about you and can find you online. To do that, you need to use marketing and social media to attract potential customers. Having a solid SEO strategy to target the right keywords for your audience will help you position your brand and your products. This applies to your website but also to Amazon, if you choose to sell through their marketplace. 

To make sure your products get a prime position in Amazon’s listings, you need to optimize:

  • Product title and explanation
  • Benefits and highlights of each product
  • Images (and videos if applicable)

4. Choose the right partner

It’s much easier to brand and sell your private label products if you work with a manufacturer that has experience in your market. A manufacturer should support you throughout the whole process. The right private label manufacturer should be able to:

  • Help you create a formula that will appeal to your ideal customers
  • Provide product, label, and packaging samples
  • Customize manufacturing and design processes according to your business’s unique needs

Want to learn more?

Schedule a consultation with one of the experts at Schwartz Natural Cosmetics. We’ll walk you through our process and send you examples of our work. We can even ship samples to help your decision-making process. Talk to us to learn how you can expand your business operations and gain from over 50 years of experience.

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