Tips & Tricks

Amazon Optimization to Position your Cosmetic Products: 4 Tips for Success

One of the most important steps in selling cosmetic products on Amazon is optimization for your online shop to get your products on the first page. Otherwise, you risk losing a major opportunity to get sales. More than 80% of Amazon customers never make it past the first page of search results, so positioning is crucial to e-commerce success.

Think of it as SEO, but for Amazon. You’re probably already optimizing your website to get a prime position in Google’s search rankings, and you need to do the same for your Amazon listings in order to get your products to the top of the Amazon search page. 

In this article, we provide 4 vital steps to take to improve the position of your product listings through Amazon optimization.

Decide on your target keywords

Much like Google, Amazon uses an algorithm to decide which products appear in the search results pages, and in which order. If you want to appear in these searches then you need to target those keywords. 

For example, if you want to appear in a search for “natural skin care,” you need to have chosen to target those keywords or the Amazon algorithm won’t know that your product is relevant to that category. However, don’t be tempted to target keywords that have no relevance to your product. 

Create optimized content

While it’s important for the product listing to contain your chosen keywords, there are other elements you need to include if you want to appear in Amazon search. The copy should include:

  • A descriptive title
  • An explanation of your product, including all the ingredients 
  • Product benefits and highlights, ideally in bullet form
  • Any additional information your buyers might be interested in (you can get this information either from reviews of your own products or of your competitors).

You can check out Amazon’s style guide if you need some more tips. 

Include high-quality images

Even if you’ve written clear, enticing copy, you won’t get ranked on Amazon’s search pages without images. You should include several different, high-quality images of your product from different angles. Ideally, you should also include a close-up shot of the ingredients list. You’ll want to make sure that the image that appears on the search page is enticing enough to convince a potential buyer to click. A higher click-through-rate will then improve your positioning in Amazon’s algorithm.

Again, check out Amazon’s style guide to get the latest technical specifications to ensure that your images won’t be rejected for not being of a high enough quality. 

Encourage reviews

One of the main factors Amazon’s algorithm uses to determine how far up a page a product appears is the conversion rate. We’ve all looked at reviews to help us decide which product to buy. Having reviews on your page will ultimately improve your conversion rate and move up the rankings.

Along with informative copy and high-quality images, reviews will also improve consumer trust in your product. This, in turn, will boost your sales.

Want to learn more?

Schedule a consultation with one of the experts at Schwartz Natural Cosmetics. We’ll walk you through our process and send you examples of our work. We can even ship samples to help your decision-making process. Talk to us to learn how you can expand your business operations and gain from over 50 years of experience.

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