For Beauty Buyers, Tips & Tricks

How to use Amazon Insights to identify current trends in hair and beauty

Collecting data on your customers is the best way to align your products, ingredients, packaging, and marketing strategy with their preferences. 

You can do this through the power of consumer analytics, collecting data through website visits, social media interactions, and newsletter opens and clicks. But you can also get direct feedback from your customers on their buying habits and preferences through the Amazon Insights service.

As a company with our own products on an Amazon shop, we know the importance of integrating with a platform like Amazon and taking advantage of services offered. This article is meant to provide general knowledge; it is not an endorsement.

What is Amazon Insights? 

Amazon introduced its Consumer Insights service in the summer of 2017. With this service, you can ask a minimum of 100 people one question regarding their shopping experience, your brand, or your product. As you only get the opportunity to ask one question, it’s important to get the wording right to collect the information you need. You can also choose to ask one of the built-in questions that Amazon has created.

With the Amazon Insights tool, you can also set your target audience to help improve the quality of your responses. This audience can consist of people who have already bought your product, people who have visited your Amazon listing but didn’t buy your product, or people who have bought a similar product. 

Amazon Insights can be costly, but if it’s within your budget, it can be a helpful tool to survey your customers. 

What are the benefits of Amazon Insights? 

Amazon Insights is an incredibly useful way to get concrete data on what your customers (or potential customers) want from a product and from your brand. You can ask them about the packaging or ingredients they look for –– such as a range of vegan products or essential oils. You can also ask what price they would pay for products with these ingredients and packaging. In terms of distribution, you can collect insights into how often they use the product and need to replenish it. 

This information will help you focus on what you know for certain your customers really want, rather than guessing and missing the mark. Make sure to find out both what they like and what drives them away. 

Not only can this information help you identify current trends in hair and beauty which inform your product and ingredient selection, but you can also use it to optimize your Amazon product listings. With more than 80% of Amazon customers never making it past the first page of search results, you need to make sure your product is appearing on the first page of search results. 

You can ask your customers what kind of keywords they use to search for products, or what attracts their eye in a product listing. 

But just remember, it’s important to think very carefully about what your goal is before you create your question. This will ensure you can get insight that can help you identify the direction your product and brand should be heading.

Want to learn more?

As a company with original products and a private label manufacturer, Schwartz Natural Cosmetics is an expert in cosmetic manufacturing. Get in touch with us to review your contract manufacturing needs, or to ask about our wholesale products. We can even send you samples of our products upon request. Talk to us to learn how you can gain from over 50 years of experience.

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